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Glaucoma (MIGS)

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes optic nerve damage. The number of Americans living with glaucoma has risen to over 3 million, and 200,000 more people each year are diagnosed with the disease. Blindness related to glaucoma is the most common cause of blindness in older adults. Glaucoma usually develops when fluid builds up in front of the eye. As a result, the optic nerve is damaged due to an increase in eye pressure.

What Types of Glaucoma are There?

The most common type of glaucoma is primary open-angle glaucoma. Because optic nerve damage is slow and shows no noticeable symptoms, many people don’t realize they have it until vision problems arise. The lesser ommon form of glaucoma is known as angle-closure glaucoma. Seeing a doctor as soon as you suspect angle-closure glaucoma is imperative! The condition affects vision from the moment it begins.

How is Glaucoma Treated?

The best glaucoma treatment for you will depend on your unique circumstances. During your eye exam, we will observe the progress of the disease and evaluate the health of your eyes. Our recommendation will be based on the results of this testing. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may require laser surgery or some other type of procedure, such as a trabeculectomy, stent, iridotomy, or cyclophotocoagulation. The general goal of all these devices is to reduce the pressure around the eye by releasing fluids.

Glaucoma and Blindness

Did you know Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in the world? Request an appointment with one of our eye doctors to schedule your glaucoma consultation today!


Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS), a unique procedure aimed at treating glaucoma, has brought an exciting new dimension to treating the disease. The MIGS technique refers to a group of surgical procedures most frequently used among patients undergoing cataract surgery with mild-to-moderate open-angle glaucoma. MIGS offers minimal trauma, high efficacy, and rapid recovery.

iStent may be an ideal solution for someone who has been managing their glaucoma symptoms with medications but is now planning on cataract surgery. People with glaucoma have successfully used iStent throughout the world to control their intraocular pressure. You can help both of these conditions at the same time by taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity during cataract surgery.

How Does the iStent Work?

With the iStent inject stents, there are two bypasses, or openings, that allows the front part of your eye to drain naturally. The stents will not be visible or felt once they are inserted, but they will help reduce eye pressure.

What is the Recovery Time for MIGS?

MIGS is minimally invasive, so the recovery time is also minimal. The majority of people respond well to the surgery, and they will see their vision improve right away, although there may be some soreness in the eyes. In most cases, minor discomfort passes within a few days. Please follow all the instructions your eye doctor gives you regarding post-surgery eye care. Infections and other complications can be prevented with proper care.

Are you wondering which glaucoma surgery is best for you? Contact us today to schedule your consultation with one of our glaucoma specialists.

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