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Corneal Collagen Crosslinking (CXL)

What is Corneal Collagen Crosslinking ?

Corneal Collagen Crosslinking, or CXL, is a treatment method for keratoconus. CXL uses eyedrop medication and ultraviolet (UV) lights to strengthen the tissues in your cornea and stop them from bulging out. It is the only treatment available to halt progressive keratoconus from getting worse and can help to prevent a corneal transplant.

How Long Does Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Last?

The effects of your corneal crosslinking will last for many years. While we don’t know precisely how long corneal collagen crosslinking will last, the results may be permanent in some cases. This also depends on how old the patient is when they undergo corneal collagen crosslinking. If necessary, corneal collagen crosslinking can be repeated if the treatment is not effective.

Does Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Improve Your Vision?

Yes, corneal collagen crosslinking can improve your vision by improving the shape of the cornea. Patients who may experience the most improvement in vision are usually older in their 50s or 60s and have keratoconus. You may experience blurry vision and sensitivity to light at first, but your vision will return and possibly improve over time.

Who is a Candidate for Corneal Collagen Crosslinking?

An ideal candidate for CXL will have keratoconus progress for the past 12 -14 months. Additionally, your age and the thickness of your cornea will also be taken into account when considering your candidacy for CXL. 

Are you interested in corneal collagen crosslinking? 

Learn more about this procedure and if you’re a good candidate by contacting us today!

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